Anal polyp / Cryptitis


The Linea Dentata is the zipper-like boundary layer between the anal channel and the large intestine (rectum). In this area, there are bag-like recesses which called anal crypts and small bumps, called anal papils. Both tissues can be inflammated.

Sometimes, the anal crypts may fill with pus and lead to the so-called cryptitis. The papils however can become larger and will be called of hypertrophic anal papils or anal polyps.



-     Chronic rectum inflammation

-         Obstruction of the crypts by stool

-         Infections from other body parts

-         Anal diseases like hemorrhoids or fissures

-         Injuries of the intestinal mucosa and anal skin

-         Inflamed bowel diseases like  Morbus Crohn  or Colitis


Inflamed anal crypts are very sensitive to pressure and create longlasting, dull pain after the defecation. Symptoms such bleeding, discharge and itching can be seen.

Enlarged anal papils would not cause any complaints.  If the enlargement becomes excessive,  pain and sense of pressure as well as  defecation urge is felt.  In addtion,  the feeling of an unfamiliar object is present.  Also discharge  and itching may exists. Sometimes,  the internal closing muscle (sphincters) might be contracted because of “unfamiliar object feeling” and leads to disturbances in blood circulation. These can then lead to the hemorrhoidal illness.


The cryptitis must be treated, otherwise it can cause to abscesses and fistulas. Generally, antiimflammatory ointments and suppositories are used. In the case of unsuccessful treatment, the anal crypts must be surgically cleaned by use of diod laser (laser sinus excision).

Enlarged anal polyps could be treated only by operation. In our clinic they will be removed by use of   diod laser (laser polypectomy).  Additionally, other illnesses such as hemorrhoids or anal fissurs will  be treated together.

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