Pictures - Resimler - Bilder


Pilonidal apse, Pilonidalabszess, Pilonidal abscess


Saat 12 de apse, Abszess bei 12 Uhr,
Abscess at 12 o'clock


Ameliyat sonrası, nach der Operation,
after the operation

Pilonidal sinüs, Pilonidalsinus, Pilonidal sinus



Cleft lift ameliyatı, Cleft Liftoperation, Cleft lift operation
-modified Karydakis flap-


Ameliyat öncesi, vor der Operation, before operation


Cilt kesisi, Hautschnitt, Skin incision


Ameliyat sonrası, nach der Operation, after the operation


10 gün sonra, 10 Tage danach, 10 days after


Lazer ile temizleme, Lasersäuberung, Laser cleaning

               Ameliyat sonuçları, Operationsergebnisse, Operation results

Önce, vorher, before 

10 gün sonra, 10 Tage danach, 10 days after






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Genel Cerrahi Uzmanı - Proktoloji

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TR - 07010 Antalya - Turkey
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